My cousin called me a few weeks ago to tell me her fiancée was diagnosed with leukemia. It was such a shocker. They flew on a private jet plane the next day to Seattle for treatment. I've been talking with her almost everyday to see how he's doing. So far he's alright. He's had two surgeries and he's got 8 more days of chemo. I told her I'll make a bunch of cards for her to sell to help pay for whatever they need. These are all I made so far. I made 5 cards each night and this is just the 3rd night. Thanks to my friends who also offered to make cards with their creations. I'll be sure to post those as soon as I get them.
New Products!!
We're adding our designs to more than just stamps!! See this adorable
tote and tshirt along with over 50 other products that bear this "Year of
the Rat" ...
5 years ago